- TANPOPO: Astrobiology Exposure and Micrometeoroid Capture Experiments Akihiko YAMAGISHI, Hajime YANO, Kyoko OKUDAIRA, Kensei KOBAYASHI, Shin-ichi YOKOBORI, Makoto TABATA, Hideyuki KAWAI, Masamichi YAMASHITA, Hirofumi HASHIMOTO, Hiroshi NARAOKA, Hajime MITA Preprints of 26th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science. June 1-8, 2008, k-05
- 山岸明彦,矢野創,奥平恭子,小林憲正,横堀伸一,田端誠,河合秀幸 Biological Sciences in Space, Vol.21 No.3 (2007): 67-75
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- ST1-11 ○山岸明彦,板橋志保,横堀伸一,飯嶋一征,井筒直樹,斉藤芳隆,山上隆正.大気球を用いた成層圏での微生物採集.大気球シンポジウム.2004年12月2日~3日,(相模原)
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- ST1-15 ○横堀伸一、山岸明彦、川口寿太郎、Yang Yinjie、奥平恭子、矢野創、小林憲正、丸茂克美、山下雅道(2007) 宇宙空間での微生物・有機物・鉱物探査計画。 平成18年度スペース・プラズマ研究会報告。pp. 84-87
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- ST2-3 ○Yang, Y., S. Itahashi, S. Yokobori, and A. Yamagishi (2007) 投稿中。
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- ST4-21 ○Takano, et al., Origins Life Evol. Biospheres, 2005, 36, 246.
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- ST5-6 ○K. Okudaira, H. Yano, T. Noguchi, T. Nakamura, M. J. Burchell and M. J. Cole, Are They Really Intact? --- Evaluation of Captured Micrometeoroid Analogs by Aerogel at the Flyby Speed of STARDUST, Proceedings of 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Abstract #1832, (2005).
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- ST6-5 ○H. Yano: Meteoroid and space debris impacts on telescopes in space, in “Preserving the Astronomical Windows”, (Eds. S. Isobe and Y. Hirayama), Astro. Soc. of the Pacific, p65-86, (1998).
- ST6-6 ○H. Yano and Y. Kitazawa: Hybrid dust collector and detector for space station and planetary exploration, Proc. the 21st Int'l Symp. on Space Tech. and Sci.(ISTS), Hakushinsha., Tokyo, Japan, p1819-1825, (1998).
- ST6-7 ○H. Yano, S. Kibe, S.P. Deshpande and M.J. Neish: The first results of meteoroid and debris impact analyses on the Space Flyer Unit, Adv. in Space Res., 20, No.8, p1489-1494, (1997).
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- ST6-10 ○K. Okudaira, T. Noguchi, T. Nakamura, S. Sugita, Y. Sekine, and H. Yano, Post retrieval analysis techniques for micrometeoroid and debris samples captured in aerogels onboard the International Space Station, Proceedings of 23rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, p2307-2311, (2002).
- ST6-11 ○奥平恭子、矢野創、野口高明、河合秀幸、福嶋知一、地球低軌道での宇宙物質採集とその場計測:実現への技術課題 (Collection and in-situ measurement of extraterrestrial materials in LEO: Technical tasks for realization)、第20回宇宙利用シンポジウム、宇宙航空研究開発機構 宇宙科学研究本部(ISAS/JAXA)、2004年1月22日、集録 p316-319
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